Beyonce once said that there's no drum roll or trumpet sound when you make the biggest decisions of your life, and sometimes you don't even realize when you have made them..that is true.
Well, I have a decision for you: you should decide to visit, Isaac Meyer's website! Isaac Meyers is one of the most creative makeup artists today.
He has a large background in experiences and a list of clients including celebrities such as Etta James, Adriana Lima, Rhianna and Rob Lowe. Isaac is an artist who believes each client is unique and strives to express individuality in his work.
When deciding to work with Isaac Meyers, you can rest assured that his innovation and creativity will leave you inspired. His work is bold and imaginative; he works with his heart. Isaac discovered his talent for makeup artistry when he was 17 years old.
His determination led him through nine years in Hollywood. There, he worked on a variety of projects such as TV production sets, commercials, red carpet events, editorial creations and more. Currently, Isaac maintains a working relationship with L’Oreal Paris and Maybelline NY. For these companies, he works on their red carpet events.
Learn more at
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