
Friday, July 8, 2016

An Ant's Life

Abraham Lincoln once said, "An ant's life is as sweet to it as ours is to us." I knew I liked that man. 

See, I refuse to kill bugs, and I honestly cannot understand how in an advanced society it is viewed as perfectly acceptable to kill these innocent creatures. They are living beings, and we know this, yet we squash them without thought.

So next time you see an ant marching along, do the right thing and leave him alone.

C'mon, look at that face; he's adorable!

Because it is so unthinkable to kill a bug, it is even more unbelievable and incomprehensible that someone would kill a human being. The value of life is the greatest there is.

That beautiful poem is by Nikki Giovanni and reflects the bigger issue here surrounding recent tragic events. The main point through all this is to remember the value of all life. One cannot act violently, because 'they are scared.' The reflex should be to never harm another being, not to act violently out of fear or for any other reason.


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