
Friday, November 10, 2017

Overthinking? 7 Habits of Highly Mindful People

Smart people have the hardest time finding love because they overthink, overanalyze and generally treat love like a math puzzle or science project and not like the natural, biological process that it is.

The most important part of connecting with a romantic prospect, or anyone in life, is being totally present. This means putting ego aside, developing consciousness and keeping mental noise on the lowest volume possible. It takes work, but once you lay the foundation, it’s much simpler.

Here are Miss Alpha’s tips for building that foundation:


  1. Eat healthy.
    Sugar, caffeine, aspartame, flour, and excess salt all create agitation, which can make our minds race. We get used to it, we become addicted, and it causes us to manically overthink. If you want to be calm, start with the right fuel.


  1. Exercise.
    When you use your nervous energy to work out, there’s less fuel for that useless, noisy, mental fire.


  1. Meditate.
    Meditation clears mental clutter. It creates the ability to focus and really listen and connect with others. It relaxes you, which builds confidence regardless of alcohol intake. Meditation allows you to be authentic.

There are different types of meditation. I highly recommend “Mindfulness Meditation,” which means clearing the mind and stopping all thought. This video walks you through the process. Please do not be afraid of the quiet that is inevitable. It’s a good thing.


  1. Take time for personal reflection.

Journaling enables you to see your own behavior patterns – both good and bad – and being aware of what behaviors create your life is the most critical part of making changes.

  1. Recognize that “mind-reading” is presumptuous and arrogant.

No matter how well you know someone, even if they are an open book, there is always more to that person. Let their actions speak; get to know people during the time you are actually engaging with them. If all else fails, consider how insulting it would be for someone to presume that you are so simple, they’ve got you all figured out?

Per the immortal words of Jack Johnson:

Now please don’t pretend to know what’s on my mind
If we already knew everything that everybody knows
We would have nothing to learn tonight.


  1. Stop daydreaming!
    Feel free to daydream about your future life, your ambitions, traveling the world, falling in love; but don’t attach it to a person. People build fantasies about their romantic prospects and are easily hurt when things don’t line up. If you want something, speak up and ask for it. If you can’t do that, it’s time to find something else to think about.


  1. Accept it.
    If you want to succeed, you have to do what works. This means recognizing that there is nothing inherently wrong with your person; it’s just the behavioral ruts that you’ve created. While it’s not foolproof – I still obsess and fret occasionally. With a little discipline, things get a lot easier.


We worry because we think that worry gives us control over what the other person may do that affects us… but that is simply not true. Worrying it not a superpower. All it does is create stress and detract from a more luscious and fulfilling existence. So take a deep breath and realize that you can’t control others, you can only control yourself.


About the Author

This post contributed by Alicia Wise, a featured writer for free dating site. Alecia is a well-accomplished bilingual writer for magazines, websites and newspapers about relationships, online dating and marriage. She teaches online marketing and self-motivation on hedowntimeme.


Filed under: Media Appearances

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