
Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Thought Waves Pro

Both guided meditation and deep relaxation have amazing effects on your body and hormones.

I recently interviewed Leanne Lawrence of Thought Waves Pro. Here is a brief summary of our discussion:

Q: Why did you become a doctor?

A: I wanted to help people and make a difference.

Q: What is the most rewarding part of becoming a doctor?

A: The most rewarding part is when I can successfully show a person a better future for themselves.

Q: Family medicine can be challenging - you see such a wide variety of patients. How do you stay level?

A: That is true, I do that by being sure I am presenting the best advice and choices to patients.

Q: How did you get into meditation?

A: Guided meditation of hypnosis has helped me in ways which are not explainable within the current medical model or knowledge base. The meditation space is not a new place. We pass through it on the way to and from sleep. It's knowing how to positively park up in that space to create massive benefits for your self...that is the interesting part. The modern study of neuroscience is now backing these techniques.

Q: Why should people meditate?

A: They should do it, firstly, to positively alter their body chemistry. Because stress hormones accidentally obstruct all of our natural healing and immune defenses. By taking the time to positively relax you can learn to boost your natural innate healing so that a person starts to miss having infections and even illnesses, and with these advantages much lifestyle improvement is possible.

Q: What are some of the benefits to guided meditation?

A: It helps decrease background stress hormone release, improve healing and immune system function, improve memory and learning abilities, better sleep, lower blood pressure, reduced blood clotting tendencies, lower blood sugar levels, increased abilities to wire in preferred new habits, making desired habit change such as smoking
cessation easier. By being guided you can be sure to get to where you want to be... quicker!

Thank you so much for reading! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out Thought Waves Pro website:

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