Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Hopeless Romantic Persona

If you want to see something beautiful, watch this awesome video. There is a sweet story about it below. Watch and then read on to learn what inspired this beautiful project.

So here's the scoop: The creator of the video said that the idea behind the 'Hopeless Romantic' persona came from his own love loss. He met others who were still in love with their soulmates. He called them the 'true hopeless romantics.' Aww.

He said that 'Hopeless Romantic' is the story of everyone who has lost their true love and simply can't move on. They compares it to losing their sunshine and not being able to replace it with a candle. Double aww.

He decided to make this channel to show people that true love does exist, but it doesn't last forever if taken for granted.

The creator wants believers in love to find this channel and relate to it. He wants them to share their stories and encourage the non-materialistic side of love. He says you have to work for love. That is how you make it true. Beautiful.

An Old Spin on a Backstreet Boys Song?

Morissa performs a Postmodern Jukebox version of “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys. Who knew Boy Bands could sound so old-timey?

Watch the video here!


Filed under: Performer, Singer

Monday, December 28, 2015

Listen Now

Listen so some of Morissa’s music here.

New singles and an EP with the amazing composer, Ian Green, are due out in 2016, so stay tuned!

You can also watch some of her past performances here:


Filed under: Performer, Singer

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Nerdy Talk


Morissa is proud to announce her new position as writer for the Nerd Approved websites! These posts center around fun yet smart topics you’re sure to enjoy.


Filed under: Performer, Writer

New 2016 Releases

The new year is bringing some great talent to you. Morissa’s publishing company, GenZ Publishing, is preparing for the release of some great books in the beginning of the new year. Learn more about them here.

From GenZ Publishing:

  • R.J. Rogue will thrill you with this new spin on vampires in Evanescencea book about a late-blooming vampire from New York named Evan, Macrae who has trouble accepting his reality. It is a supernatural, yet relatable novel that you won’t be able to put down.12108004_1637965216453317_573984501887488425_n
  • Learn about growing up and how to get through even the toughest of times with K.W. Perry’s poetry collection, Tales of a Receding Hairline.Perry is a prolific musician, and his book of poetry is just as enthralling.  
  • Thinking about writing a book? How about getting your writing published? Have you fallen victim to writer’s block? Then, the new bookWriting for the New Generation by GenZ Publishing founder and ‘Voice of Generation Z,’ Morissa Schwartz is the book for all you writers out there.sf

Filed under: editor, Performer, Writer

Monday, December 14, 2015


You saw it here first, folks: 'Appreciating the Awesome' now on Buzzfeed.

Internet Findings

I've been finding some pretty funny and interesting things on the internet. Here are a couple favorites.

Share your favorites with me too!

I love giving a gift that's handmade and personal, truly one of a kind.
But it has to be high quality, not just some Pinterest DIY.  
And the service should be as welcoming as shopping with a friend.
So let me share with you a little secret I found.  Artizenbox.com
Artizenbox is the most coveted handmade items, from your favorite shops, in one place... the "Boutique Community!"  Their team screens and hand picks every artist just to be sure WE get the very best gift.  Take my word for it, go now!

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Featured Post

Brad Green on the GenZ Podcast

Listen to this exciting GenZ Podcast interview with restauranteur, Brad Green. Learn more about Brad Green at MrBradGreen.com . Filed und...