Thursday, February 28, 2019

Twitter Book: Featherlow

Hi everyone!

Here is a word from an awesome friend of mine...

I would LOVE if you could read my Twitter book Featherlow. Yes, I'm posting a WHOLE book on twitter for free. (God help me!)

I chose Twitter because of my dyslexia, breaking up my novel made it much easier for me to follow and understand.

What is Featherlow about?

Most twelve-year-olds don't have to do battle with corrupted gods:
Eva Featherlow doesn’t fall into that category. Featherlow is a middle-grade fantasy, in which a twelve-year-old girl rescues an injured bird, Alister. Eva unknowingly is the key to unlocking the bird's hidden powers. She is destined to follow in her mother's footsteps and becomes a sage. Caught between her family and the war threatening to consume the world, she must make a choice: fight or flight.

People can read the book for free, or get full chapters monthly for a mere 2 USD on my Patreon. I have both a twitter (broken up) version and a normal book style there.

Thank you and have a great day! Happy Reading.

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