Q: Hi Nick! It's a pleasure to interview you. I always wanted to ask a High-Level Social Networking Coach for Introverts to define what they think the word introvert personality means to them?
A: Hi Morissa, thanks for having me! While there are the “official” definitions out there, for me an introvert personality covers a bit more range. To me, it’s a person who enjoys being alone and recharges from the alone time, who also may be shy and/or socially awkward as well. So, people who aren’t really comfortable navigating in groups or on the social scene.
Q: Can you tell us a little about yourself? What's your story?
A: Sure, I grew up extremely shy and introverted. So much so that when I started a new school in the second grade the teachers thought I was deaf and put me in the hearing impaired kid class. I don’t know why, I guess they didn’t know any better at the time. But it was actually pretty cool. There were only four of us in there and we were learning sign language and becoming good friends quickly.
The fun all ended after about a week into it when my mom found out I was there and explained to the teachers that I was not deaf, I was simply very shy, so they kicked me out of that class and put me back in “general population”. As you can imagine, that sucked. And it was the start of a long battle of social awkwardness and shyness.
In the Middle school and High school, I had trouble fitting in and trouble talking to new people, especially girls. When I got out of high school I figured if I could make some money, it would solve everything. I became a commodity futures trader and was able to make quite a bit of money fairly quickly. But money didn’t help my social situation. I was the same guy, I just had nicer stuff.
Then I tried alcohol which worked a little bit but then you have to be drinking all the time and that comes with its own problems such as getting a reputation as a drunk dude.
I wanted to upgrade my life. I knew I could be better. I was tired of living in the shadows. I was tired of not being seen, heard, invited and included. Most of all I was tired of people underestimating me.
I had to find a way out.
You’ve heard the sayings:
“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future”
“Your network is your net-worth”
“You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time around”
Ok so…
Where do you find these 5 people?
When you find them, how do YOU get there and when you get there, how do you actually connect with them?
I read the books and took the courses about networking and small talk and all of that sort of thing. NONE of them worked for me. They weren’t designed for introverts, they were made for “normal” people, not people like us.
I was very depressed but I didn’t give up. I was determined to find a way. Using the superpower of introverts (the power of observation) I started going out in the town by myself. I’d just sit and observe. I’d watch and study social interactions and dynamics between people. Taking what I learned, I put together a system. A blueprint for step by step socializing and networking techniques specifically for us introverts.
I applied it to myself and was able to build a very strong, close, high level, an international network of friends, colleagues, and associates which allows me to be able to do a lot of things most people don’t get to do.
I often get invited to high-end, exclusive events by and with like-minded people that I enjoy being around and who enjoy being around me. And not just big events, small intimate parties, gatherings and experiences that I previously would not have even known existed or would not have been invited to. In addition to that, I get access to investments and opportunities that I would not have been able to have before as well.
So I was able to network a whole new life, a better life, a life where I am known, seen, heard, included and invited. It’s my dream life!
As for what I do now, I teach people (introverts) how to do the same. I train them on how to “level up” their lives through networking. I show them in a simple, step by step way that is specifically designed to work for people like us. If they’ve tried and failed with other methods, they’ll find success here.
Q: Wao! That's very inspiring! I sometimes too think that I am an introvert, especially when I am in a crowded place and dread meaningless chatter that makes me feel really uncomfortable. What techniques or methods do you teach your students about overcoming this feeling?
A: Usually when you feel uncomfortable it’s because you don’t know what to do. When you know what to do, you can settle in and actually have a good time (and I teach you exactly what to do).
To combat the meaningless chatter, I would suggest using a technique I call “the magic of 3”. So for this, you are going to always do your best to not chat with people one on one. You might start off that way but then keep your eye out for anyone standing or walking nearby and invite them to join your conversation through a round of introductions. With three people, the conversation can flow a lot smoother because there are three points of input and if you should find you are not enjoying the conversation, excuse yourself to get a drink or use the bathroom etc, and the two people will continue talking without you. You are free to go and move on to a different group/conversation!
Q: You mentioned that your program for introverts is a Step by Step approach; can you tell us a little bit about what you teach in that course and how long it takes to complete?
A: Sure, the course is 8 modules and contains 74 videos. There is no limit on how fast you can complete it, it is wide open so you can move as fast as you want. Some people have been able to finish it over a weekend and some take a couple of weeks.
A few of the things we teach in the course are: How to motivate yourself to get out of the house and attend events in the first place, how to get invited to events, what events to attend, what to do before the event, body language, mindset, what to do with your hands, a simple way to open conversations, how to connect with a headliner or VIP, networking within the workplace or industry, social networking with ease, as well as what NOT to say and do. We also cover maintaining and strengthening your relationships.
All of this with the goal of making you confident, relaxed and approachable in whatever social situation you may find yourself in because you’ll know exactly what to do. My students have access to people and opportunities they never had before and it has a HUGE impact on their lives. It’s really amazing to see the transformation and I break down the process in a simple and step by step manner for a smooth transition to get them from where they are now, to Master Networker!
Q: Do you offer personal consultations as well?
A: I do personal consultations on a case by case basis but usually after someone has taken the online course and want to go deeper into some of the techniques. This coming year we will host several workshops where we keep it small and intimate and walk through many different scenarios for more of a hands-on approach for people who learn better in that type of setting.
Q: Wonderful! One last question: how can people reach you?
A: It’s been a pleasure! Your readers can find out more or get in touch with me at ConnectedIntrovert.com
Facts, quotes, and awesome stuff straight from Morissa Schwartz's notebook! Follow Morissa on Twitter @MorissaSchwartz for more fun tidbits from around the web, books, and pop culture. And then check out her website MorissaSchwartz.com.
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Monday, December 23, 2019
Ad from The Rulr
We want to make your life easier, that is why we developed an app that will help you figure out and pay more attention to the US government finances, as citizens we know how important it is to know government’s spending against budget.
Keep in mind that The Rulr app is super user-friendly if you don’t have an affinity for numbers you will still understand what is going on in terms of how much did the government spent and where the budget goes. The app also has a tracking monitor and update with daily and monthly figure amendments.
This easy-to-use app is available on the App Store. Get ready to have the facts because we are giving them to you.
Keep in mind that The Rulr app is super user-friendly if you don’t have an affinity for numbers you will still understand what is going on in terms of how much did the government spent and where the budget goes. The app also has a tracking monitor and update with daily and monthly figure amendments.
This easy-to-use app is available on the App Store. Get ready to have the facts because we are giving them to you.
Saturday, December 21, 2019
Justice Tech Pros - Let's Fight For Our Justice!
I love this new Justice Tech Pros podcast that teaches you everything that you need to know about legal justice. They want you to be your support system and that is why starting today you can hear them fighting by your side in different cases.
I have heard that Justice Tech Pros team of experts will be hosting a weekly podcast where you can have an in-depth look at the Justice System and its impact on Defendants and families. You will also be able to learn about their Legal Services through various topics discussed.
It is time to start watching their weekly episodes. Find them on their YouTube channel and Twitter.
If you want to know more about who Justice Tech Pros are and their services, check out their website justicetechpros.com. Let's fight for our justice!

It is time to start watching their weekly episodes. Find them on their YouTube channel and Twitter.
If you want to know more about who Justice Tech Pros are and their services, check out their website justicetechpros.com. Let's fight for our justice!
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Fire Doesn't Have a Shadow Morissa Schwartz Music Video
Fire Doesn't Have a Shadow Morissa Schwartz Music Video Thank you so much for watching! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: https://ift.tt/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GpmNQr Google Plus: https://ift.tt/2rOFdXi See you next time!
Sunday, December 15, 2019
David Allen Capital - Get Funding in as Little as 3 Days
If your business needs working capital to fund its growth or maybe to get through a tight financial pinch, if traditional banks aren't the right fit for you, David Allen Capital (DAC) may just have the funds you need.
David Allen Capital providers are going to look for cash flow more than your credit score and we represent all the top alternative providers. So with us, one-stop shopping is the best option. Get cash for your business now. Short, no obligation, application!
DAC providers have funded over $10 Billion to thousands of small businesses.
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Get funding in as little as 3 days!
David Allen Capital providers are going to look for cash flow more than your credit score and we represent all the top alternative providers. So with us, one-stop shopping is the best option. Get cash for your business now. Short, no obligation, application!
DAC providers have funded over $10 Billion to thousands of small businesses.
Alexia 202-445-0851
Get funding in as little as 3 days!
Thursday, December 12, 2019
Best Food Delivery Service - Postmates.com
Have you ever heard about Postmates? If not, you just have discovered the best food delivery service that will let you live your best life. Postmates is the largest on-demand network in the industry that will bring the food that you love right to your door.
Are you a burger fanatic? Or a pizza lover? Choose from your favorite restaurant in the city and Postmates will take care of the rest. They can also find your favorite hidden spot and get the meals you love in a matter of minutes.
This service is available in more than 20 cities across the US, and now you can use the promo codes NEW or FREE100 and get $100 delivery fee credit. Keep in mind that these codes are valid for new users, and the credit is valid for delivery fees only.
Now you will be able to order anything, anytime, and anywhere with Postmates.com.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
A Message from Dr. Rissys Writing & Marketing
A Message from Dr. Rissys Writing & Marketing Thank you so much for watching! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: https://ift.tt/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GpmNQr Google Plus: https://ift.tt/2rOFdXi See you next time!
Monday, November 4, 2019
Madcrox Beauty (MB) is here to help you achieve your ideal makeup look. On their website, they will find the best tips and tricks that will take your natural beauty to the next level.
Madcrox Beauty also gives their favorite make-up picks and how can those adapt to your everyday routine. As beauty lovers, MB is building a community to help each other...what are some of your best beauty tips? I think we can lift each other up and create looks together with MB!
Madcrox Beauty also gives their favorite make-up picks and how can those adapt to your everyday routine. As beauty lovers, MB is building a community to help each other...what are some of your best beauty tips? I think we can lift each other up and create looks together with MB!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
A message from Dr. Rissy's Writing & Marketing
A message from Dr. Rissy's Writing & Marketing Thank you so much for watching! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: https://ift.tt/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GpmNQr Google Plus: https://ift.tt/2rOFdXi See you next time!
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Monday, September 23, 2019
Cabaret Internationale - Opera Go Lightly
Cabaret Internationale - Opera Go Lightly Thank you so much for watching! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: https://ift.tt/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GpmNQr Google Plus: https://ift.tt/2rOFdXi See you next time!
Monday, September 16, 2019
Friday, September 13, 2019
Dr. Rissy FAQ - What Services Do We Offer?
Dr. Rissy FAQ - What Services Do We Offer? Thank you so much for watching! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: https://ift.tt/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GpmNQr Google Plus: https://ift.tt/2rOFdXi See you next time!
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Dr Rissy FAQ 2
Dr Rissy FAQ 2 Thank you so much for watching! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: https://ift.tt/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GpmNQr Google Plus: https://ift.tt/2rOFdXi See you next time!
Thursday, September 5, 2019
Dr. Rissy's Writing and Marketing - FAQ - Who are We?
Dr. Rissy's Writing and Marketing - FAQ - Who are We? Thank you so much for watching! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: https://ift.tt/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: https://ift.tt/2GpmNQr Google Plus: https://ift.tt/2rOFdXi See you next time!
Monday, September 2, 2019
Making Rainbow Wings with Sharon Shvarzman
Making Rainbow Wings with Sharon Shvarzman My great friend, Sharon Shvarzman, came over to cook these delicious rainbow wings; each is a different flavor! You may recognize Sharon from a little channel called the Food Network. He’s done a couple shows on there, most recently as the winner of the Great Food Truck Race for his wings! So what a special treat to have him not only make his award winning wings for me in my kitchen but also to have him teach me how to make them!
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Friday, August 23, 2019
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Original 2019 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition
Original 2019 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition
Electric Eyes Mascara “as they call it” #1 Amazon Best Seller- is the new 2019 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition Secret Xpress Control Cosmetic. The brush bristles are spaced evenly to help separate for longer-looking lashes. The Silk Fiber fills and adds volume to lashes – The Magnifying Mascara Gel provides volume, separation, and length. Water & Smudge Resistant – Clump-free formula that wears all day… Say No To Raccoon Eyes! To build up the look of your eyelashes to give you the beautiful natural curves.

Original 2019 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition Secret Xpress Control Cosmetics Fresh Stock- Buy 2 Get 3
Customer Reviews
“I work in the beauty biz and try many mascaras. This one is unique. When I first took out the wand, it looked like any other mascara. But after about 3 swipes on my lashes, I was impressed with both its lengthening and thickening properties.”
Limited Time Promotion: 35% off
Monday, August 5, 2019
Friday, July 26, 2019
I took my cars to the mechanic 4 times this month!!
I took my cars to the mechanic 4 times this month!! Today will me my fourth time taking my car to the shop this month (all for different reasons!) Isn't that hilarious? 😂😫🤪
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
How Dr. Rissy’s can Grow Your Business
How Dr. Rissy’s can Grow Your Business Book a consultation. Call 732-306-5995 or visit DrRissysWriting.com.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Don’t buy into influencer marketing! Do this instead!
Don’t buy into influencer marketing! Do this instead! Visit DrRissysWriting.com to get in touch with me. Or follow me on Twitter- @MorissaSchwartz
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Listen by Beyonce Morissa Schwartz cover for #smulemusicvideo
Listen by Beyonce Morissa Schwartz cover for #smulemusicvideo Listen by Beyonce Morissa Schwartz cover for #smulemusicvideo Smule name- MorissaSchwartz Twitter- MorissaSchwartz
Somebody to Love Morissa Schwartz cover #smulemusicvideo
Somebody to Love Morissa Schwartz cover #smulemusicvideo Throwback to the 60s with #smulemusicvideo of Somebody’s to Love by Jefferson Airplane. Smule ID- MorissaSchwartz Twitter- @morissaschwartz Insta- @Morissa_Schwartz
Saturday, July 6, 2019
Getting real about my home
Getting real about my home The day I bought my home was exciting but stressful. Here’s what I learned.
Wednesday, July 3, 2019
Enjoying a nice quiet evening at home
Enjoying a nice quiet evening at home Anyone else love quiet nights like this?
Thursday, June 27, 2019
Saturday, June 22, 2019
Make Music Day in Matawan - Morissa Schwartz singing at the Geekery
Make Music Day in Matawan - Morissa Schwartz singing at the Geekery Make Music Day is a special way to celebrate music across the country. This was the first time Matawan, NJ participated. I sung a bunch of songs, from 60s classics, to modern soundtracks, to an original.
Wednesday, June 19, 2019
Jakafella's Thumbin Thru Da Money
The legend of hip-hop is back with a new single you won't want to miss. “Thumbin Thru Da Money” is a summer record whose icy coolness really speaks for itself.
This new sound of Flint, Michigan is about to bring the industry’s eyes darting back to the region as soon as they get wind of it. Jakafella’s new single, as well as his back catalogue is now in many of your favorite platforms, including Youtube, Apple Music, and Spotify!
You can also find your favorite rapper Jakafella on Twitter and Facebook. Be sure to follow him, so you don't miss out any of his news.
This new sound of Flint, Michigan is about to bring the industry’s eyes darting back to the region as soon as they get wind of it. Jakafella’s new single, as well as his back catalogue is now in many of your favorite platforms, including Youtube, Apple Music, and Spotify!
You can also find your favorite rapper Jakafella on Twitter and Facebook. Be sure to follow him, so you don't miss out any of his news.
Earn $1000+ Per Month From the Comfort of Your Home
How would you like to earn upwards of $1000 per month from the comfort of your own home?
More and more people today are discovering the freedom of time and location that come with working online.
If you know how to write you can get paid to write articles and blogs or even ebooks at home (or wherever you have an Internet connection!)
Sound interesting? For more information go to http://getpaidtowrite.co
More and more people today are discovering the freedom of time and location that come with working online.
If you know how to write you can get paid to write articles and blogs or even ebooks at home (or wherever you have an Internet connection!)
Sound interesting? For more information go to http://getpaidtowrite.co
Thursday, June 13, 2019
Best Video Editor
Hi everyone!
I would love to recommend Jason Taweh's video editing services.
Jason has been experimenting with video editing for over five years, and photo editing for even longer. Throughout those years he learned many interesting techniques and processes that allowed him to create spectacular graphics and videos. I’ve found him to be best at creating minimalist logos, minimalist vectors, and anime/gaming music videos, as well as editing videos in almost any manner.
Now he is selling his services on Fiverr. If you would like to learn more, do check out his profile at this link: http://www.fiverr.com/s/bmjbtn
I would love to recommend Jason Taweh's video editing services.
Jason has been experimenting with video editing for over five years, and photo editing for even longer. Throughout those years he learned many interesting techniques and processes that allowed him to create spectacular graphics and videos. I’ve found him to be best at creating minimalist logos, minimalist vectors, and anime/gaming music videos, as well as editing videos in almost any manner.
Now he is selling his services on Fiverr. If you would like to learn more, do check out his profile at this link: http://www.fiverr.com/s/bmjbtn
Love is Like a Heavwave - Morissa Schwartz
Love is Like a Heavwave - Morissa Schwartz A new take on the classic Martha and the Vandella's song Love is Like a Heatwave. Thank you so much for listening! Be sure to leave a comment down below in the comment section letting us know what you think about the video and like and subscribe for more! Check out my website: http://bit.ly/1rI6TrD As always follow me on my social medias below: Twitter: https://twitter.com/morissaschwartz Instagram: http://bit.ly/2GpmNQr Google Plus: http://bit.ly/2rOFdXi See you next time! Love is Like a Heatwave - Morissa Schwartz
Saturday, June 8, 2019
Rockclimbing after eight years
Rockclimbing after eight years Rock climbing today after eight years! Reminder to never think it’s too late to pick back up on something you enjoyed.
Tuesday, June 4, 2019
Discover Town Blast
The best new puzzle game has arrived! Town Blast is the latest iOS gaming app where you can move through a huge town populated with the funniest animal characters, discovering hundreds of new levels as you progress.
Find ability buffs that will help you finish levels faster and get coins that will help you reach harder levels! Don't miss out this opportunity and be ready to pre-order the game through the Apple Store on June 9th, 2019.
You can see the trailer, as well as learn more about our game here. We hope you enjoy this incredible journey designed by SUN TEAME PTE. LTD!
Find ability buffs that will help you finish levels faster and get coins that will help you reach harder levels! Don't miss out this opportunity and be ready to pre-order the game through the Apple Store on June 9th, 2019.
You can see the trailer, as well as learn more about our game here. We hope you enjoy this incredible journey designed by SUN TEAME PTE. LTD!
Amare: Empowering People to Live Happier and Healthier Lives
Our mental wellness affects almost everything we do. It is reflected in our mood, our energy, and even in our passion for life. It can impact how well we perform at our jobs and influence our personal relationships.
Amare is a company with a vision to empower people to live happier and healthier lives every day. Our natural products are proven to reduce stress, provide emotional balance and enhanced mood. Do you know the current state of your mental wellness? Take this brief assessment to see your current mental state.
Amare is a company with a vision to empower people to live happier and healthier lives every day. Our natural products are proven to reduce stress, provide emotional balance and enhanced mood. Do you know the current state of your mental wellness? Take this brief assessment to see your current mental state.
Monday, June 3, 2019
For Hire: rofessional Creative Content Designer
For Hire:
Born Gifted! Professional Speaker, Consultant, Life-Style Coach and Writer, Creative Content Designer, Mastermind, Facilitator, Entertainer, and Digital Entrepreneur is inspired to share her unique gifts, talents, and skillsets.Contact: ShethatExistsLifeBusiness@protonmail.com. Carpe Diem. Seize the Day :)
This is a unique opportunity for those who desire to create something brand new and one of a kind. This offer is available as my schedule allows.
Sunday, June 2, 2019
Work from home distraction free!
Work from home distraction free! Having trouble concentrating while working at home? Do this. What's your favorite tip for eliminating distractions while working at home? Follow me on: Twitter- https://twitter.com/MorissaSchwartz Instagram- http://bit.ly/2cMoI6L... My site- MorissaSchwartz.com
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Oculus Quest Vs Oculus Go
Oculus Quest Vs Oculus Go Wondering how the Oculus Quest stacks up to the Oculus Go? I just got a Quest and have your answers. Follow me on: Twitter- https://twitter.com/MorissaSchwartz Instagram- http://bit.ly/29TYfye My site- MorissaSchwartz.com
Monday, May 20, 2019
ShethatExists: Your Story Matters
A dear friend works with people one on one to help uncover deep soul wounds.
Would you allow her to help and hold space for you to be seen, heard, and felt?

Work with her to experience permanent healing, soul growth, transformation, life expansion, and freedom!
Your story matters.
You can contact her at ShethatExistsLifeBusiness@protonmail.com
Expert and Rational Astrologist at vedicastro.net
Do you often feel unanswered for various questions in life? Do you often feel confused around the events in your life?
Then, today is the day to get all your answers and know your life better for a beautiful future...
Meet the expert & rational astrologist at https://www.vedicastro.net/

Hurry up to avail 25% for a telephone reading, available only for the next 2 days at
Thursday, May 9, 2019
MixingPot: Multicultarism. Transparency. Freedom
The MixingPot (mixingpot.ai) blog is a combination of expose and Ivy League commentary. The main themes are diversity, multiculturalism, anti-Indoctrination in business, and transparency.
The essays (in the Philosophy) section are quite good, though to appreciate their context check out the explainer videos on the homepage and also see their About section. Although it's subtle, you'll see that www.mixingpot.ai is gearing up for a #revolution against the evil Big Brother emerging from the business.
The essays (in the Philosophy) section are quite good, though to appreciate their context check out the explainer videos on the homepage and also see their About section. Although it's subtle, you'll see that www.mixingpot.ai is gearing up for a #revolution against the evil Big Brother emerging from the business.
Interview Session With Arch Angels
Q: It's such a pleasure to interview you on my blog, Daly B. Can you please tell us a little bit about how and when did you discover you love makeup? Also, what do you love most about makeup?
A: My route of ending up in the beauty industry is probably much different than most. My background is in psychology, and after getting pregnant with my first daughter, I decided I was going to be a stay-home mom. That didn’t last long as I had been breaking out, and so I first became aware of my passion for skincare specifically and makeup when I developed adult acne in my late 20s. I realized there were no great beauty shops that benefit me personally, so I decided I would open one.
I am beauty obsessed, so that helped, but really just research, determination, and a lot of passion got me to where I am. My love for makeup was always existent, and I love what I do. It’s extremely rewarding and it shows on my client’s faces.
Microblading is an amazing career. You seriously get to transform people's brows right in front of them and they will love you for it. I met an esthetician who completely fixed my skin within six weeks’ time! I was so inspired by the impact and positive change in my life that I decided to pursue skincare & beauty, went back to school and immediately started working for myself.
Q: Wao! That's really inspiring! Where do you find your creative inspiration?
A: Eyebrow trends come and go, from thin and sharp to bold and bushy à la Cara Delevingne and basically every other model who's been hot in the past few years. But the new eyebrow trend we can't get enough of is microblading, a tattoo technique that fills brows out or reshapes them by drawing on tiny lines that look like individual hairs.
Q: Very interesting. Your clinic is in Manhattan, right? What do you love about Manhattan?
A: New York has a way of giving me a feeling that I can accomplish anything I set out to do. There's no other city on the planet with an energy that can compete with it. The fast pace, the traffic, the hustle and bustle of the people, the 24-hour life, and the creative spirit make it one of the most vibrant places in the world. Manhattan is the place to be. It's diverse, it's beautiful, and I interact with so many new faces on the daily!
Q: Where can my audience find you online?
A: People can find us on Instagram, Facebook and they can also visit our website.
A: My route of ending up in the beauty industry is probably much different than most. My background is in psychology, and after getting pregnant with my first daughter, I decided I was going to be a stay-home mom. That didn’t last long as I had been breaking out, and so I first became aware of my passion for skincare specifically and makeup when I developed adult acne in my late 20s. I realized there were no great beauty shops that benefit me personally, so I decided I would open one.
I am beauty obsessed, so that helped, but really just research, determination, and a lot of passion got me to where I am. My love for makeup was always existent, and I love what I do. It’s extremely rewarding and it shows on my client’s faces.
Microblading is an amazing career. You seriously get to transform people's brows right in front of them and they will love you for it. I met an esthetician who completely fixed my skin within six weeks’ time! I was so inspired by the impact and positive change in my life that I decided to pursue skincare & beauty, went back to school and immediately started working for myself.
Q: Wao! That's really inspiring! Where do you find your creative inspiration?
A: Eyebrow trends come and go, from thin and sharp to bold and bushy à la Cara Delevingne and basically every other model who's been hot in the past few years. But the new eyebrow trend we can't get enough of is microblading, a tattoo technique that fills brows out or reshapes them by drawing on tiny lines that look like individual hairs.
Q: Very interesting. Your clinic is in Manhattan, right? What do you love about Manhattan?
A: New York has a way of giving me a feeling that I can accomplish anything I set out to do. There's no other city on the planet with an energy that can compete with it. The fast pace, the traffic, the hustle and bustle of the people, the 24-hour life, and the creative spirit make it one of the most vibrant places in the world. Manhattan is the place to be. It's diverse, it's beautiful, and I interact with so many new faces on the daily!
A: People can find us on Instagram, Facebook and they can also visit our website.
Decorate your home with LED lights
There's always room for improvement when it comes to house decoration, and that is when dimmable LED lights come into play.
You will be amazed at how important it is to have a room with the right lighting, if you invest in getting a new addition to your rooms you will be able to enjoy different vibes within your house.
Don't be afraid of changes and make sure to get the LED Vintage Decorative Filament Large Edison Light Bulb 120V/6W. It will be the best addition to your living room, office, hallway, or even a restaurant or coffee if you own your own business!
Don't be afraid of changes and make sure to get the LED Vintage Decorative Filament Large Edison Light Bulb 120V/6W. It will be the best addition to your living room, office, hallway, or even a restaurant or coffee if you own your own business!
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
Hold Da Candle: Beautiful and Eye-Catching Candle Holders
We are aware that everybody loves candles, and you can enjoy them even more if you create a beautiful Candle Display. Hold Da Candle created the perfect collection for you to have a personal and inviting space that you and your guests can enjoy.
Be ready to light up your world and enhance the ambiance with these beautiful and eye-catching candle holders. The best part is that they come in a variety of materials: colorful glass, distressed metal lanterns, eye-catching sconces, and votive holders.
Explore the Hold Da Candle selection and find the piece that will bring your home decoration together.

Explore the Hold Da Candle selection and find the piece that will bring your home decoration together.
Original 2019 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition
Electric Eyes Mascara “as they call it” #1 Amazon Best Seller- is the new 2019 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition Secret Xpress Control Cosmetic. The brush bristles are spaced evenly to help separate for longer-looking lashes. The Silk Fiber fills and adds volume to lashes – The Magnifying Mascara Gel provides volume, separation, and length. Water & Smudge Resistant – Clump-free formula that wears all day… Say No To Raccoon Eyes! To build up the look of your eyelashes to give you the beautiful natural curves.
Customer Reviews: “I work in the beauty biz and try many mascaras. This one is unique. When I first took out the wand, it looked like any other mascara. But after about 3 swipes on my lashes, I was impressed with both its lengthening and thickening properties.”
Limited Time Promotion: Now only for $14.95, buy 2 get 3 :
Get your 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition Secret Xpress Control today.

Customer Reviews: “I work in the beauty biz and try many mascaras. This one is unique. When I first took out the wand, it looked like any other mascara. But after about 3 swipes on my lashes, I was impressed with both its lengthening and thickening properties.”
Limited Time Promotion: Now only for $14.95, buy 2 get 3 :
Get your 4D Brush Eyelash Mascara Special Edition Secret Xpress Control today.
Monday, April 29, 2019
Bio-Safe One: New Stronger Formula With Maximum Strength
Septic systems are going to work correctly at some point. It happens because the tank is filled with sludge, scum, and bacteria - all of which prevents the drain field to work as effectively as it needs to.
The solution is the BIO-112 Heavy Sludge Digester. It is made with an exclusive formula that acts fast and gives you the results you are looking for. The BIO-112 will decontaminate, clean, unclog, and restore your Septic System and Grease Trap System once and for all.
Best of all - it’s safe for humans, pets, and plumbing!
Be a part of their happy community of customers and try the only product on the market that is capable of restoring failing commercial or residential septic systems and drain fields!
The solution is the BIO-112 Heavy Sludge Digester. It is made with an exclusive formula that acts fast and gives you the results you are looking for. The BIO-112 will decontaminate, clean, unclog, and restore your Septic System and Grease Trap System once and for all.
Wednesday, April 24, 2019
Backpack Boutique: Men's Oxford Fashion Leisure Backpacks
A backpack is a must-have item for anyone's closet. It’s an accessory that is fashionable, comfortable, and incredibly useful for all kinds of people out there.
If you are looking to add a new backpack to your collection, you should go to Backpack Boutique’s Online Store where you will find designer backpacks made for every lifestyle. It doesn't matter if you are an athlete or a trendsetter, you will find the backpack that will tie everything together.
If you want to become a stand-out character, the Backpack Boutique can help you do that! If you want to put a smile on someone that you care about, they will have the perfect gift for you! Feel free to shop around - they’ll have something for you.
If you are looking to add a new backpack to your collection, you should go to Backpack Boutique’s Online Store where you will find designer backpacks made for every lifestyle. It doesn't matter if you are an athlete or a trendsetter, you will find the backpack that will tie everything together.
If you want to become a stand-out character, the Backpack Boutique can help you do that! If you want to put a smile on someone that you care about, they will have the perfect gift for you! Feel free to shop around - they’ll have something for you.
Sunday, April 21, 2019
Wednesday, April 17, 2019
Last Day as a Full Time Student!
Last Day as a Full Time Student! After 19 straight years of being a full-time student, today is my last day. I’ve been waiting for this day for a long time, and it is quite bittersweet. Connect on Twitter - https://twitter.com/MorissaSchwartz And let me know about your school life or memories of your last day of school. Bittersweet isn't it? But the learning journey never ends!
Sunday, April 7, 2019
Discover more about Herbal Medicine
There is nothing healthier than natural based products, and that is what herbal medicine is about. Herbal medicines are plant-based products that you can find in a natural environment, and depending on their combination they can have different medicinal use.
Medical herbalists use plants for traditional uses, but they are backed up by modern scientific research. It is important to point out that a Medical Herbalist has studied orthodox medicine as well as plant medicine, which makes them able to prescribe a combination of herbal remedies and other medication and treatments.
With herbal medicine, each patient is treated as an individual which makes this practice suitable for people of any age or race. It is amazing how well a person can react to the delicate action of herbs.
Medical herbalists use plants for traditional uses, but they are backed up by modern scientific research. It is important to point out that a Medical Herbalist has studied orthodox medicine as well as plant medicine, which makes them able to prescribe a combination of herbal remedies and other medication and treatments.
With herbal medicine, each patient is treated as an individual which makes this practice suitable for people of any age or race. It is amazing how well a person can react to the delicate action of herbs.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
Going to California Morissa Schwartz one take cover
Going to California Morissa Schwartz one take cover Yesterday, I was speaking with a grown man about music. When I mentioned Led Zeppelin, he said, “oh yeah, I think I’ve heard some of HIS songs.” So for everyone out there who thinks Zeppelin is just a guy who sang the song in the Entourage finale...this one is for you
Friday, March 22, 2019
Thursday, March 14, 2019
Online Learning Catching Up in English Testing
Online learning platforms have shaken up the education industry. Be it the primary education sector, university education or tertiary education people have finally woken up to the benefits of learning online. This is now also seen in areas like preparing for the PTE Academic, where a few companies have brought English language proficiency test preparation to the comfort of your bedroom.
But comfort is not the only reason why this is catching up. There are many reasons why online learning is now the preferred option for thousands of students each year.
According to Alice Smith, student coordinator of Sure Way English, a PTE Academic prep provider, the biggest reason why people prefer to learn online is that online platforms are able to provide the best instructors which most local coaching centers cannot afford. Due to the scale provided by Internet students can learn from absolutely the best teachers in the world.
The other main reason behind the popularity of online courses for PTE is the affordability. Most of the students who prepare for these exams are students who want to get their visa or people looking to migrate to another country. These people are almost always short of money. Therefore for them getting tutoring which otherwise would cost a thousand dollars in just a couple of hundred dollars is a big thing.
Flexibility is another big plus. The online courses do not require the students to change their schedules. They can learn after work, before work or during the lunch break. They don’t need to take a day off from work which is a big thing for many people.
Online platforms come with interactive learning tools, quiz software and much more. This makes learning much more fun for everyone. And as they say, when you have fun you learn better, you do better.
Observing the present trends it is certain that the popularity of online teaching services will keep on increasing.
But comfort is not the only reason why this is catching up. There are many reasons why online learning is now the preferred option for thousands of students each year.
According to Alice Smith, student coordinator of Sure Way English, a PTE Academic prep provider, the biggest reason why people prefer to learn online is that online platforms are able to provide the best instructors which most local coaching centers cannot afford. Due to the scale provided by Internet students can learn from absolutely the best teachers in the world.
The other main reason behind the popularity of online courses for PTE is the affordability. Most of the students who prepare for these exams are students who want to get their visa or people looking to migrate to another country. These people are almost always short of money. Therefore for them getting tutoring which otherwise would cost a thousand dollars in just a couple of hundred dollars is a big thing.
Flexibility is another big plus. The online courses do not require the students to change their schedules. They can learn after work, before work or during the lunch break. They don’t need to take a day off from work which is a big thing for many people.
Online platforms come with interactive learning tools, quiz software and much more. This makes learning much more fun for everyone. And as they say, when you have fun you learn better, you do better.
Observing the present trends it is certain that the popularity of online teaching services will keep on increasing.
Financial Life - Being FDIC Insured!
Financial Life is a startup that's helping consumers save money in high yield FDIC-insured accounts. We are dedicated to assisting people in finding new ways to save! Our savings accounts start at 2.2% and go to 6.0% APY! If you join before April 15th, you will be guaranteed to start at 2.3%!
We have no gimmicks and no fees because we understand what you are looking for when you want to save — looking for more? We have daily compounding and the ability to earn more with friends too! Being FDIC insured means that we are willing to protect your money with the “big guys.”
We have no gimmicks and no fees because we understand what you are looking for when you want to save — looking for more? We have daily compounding and the ability to earn more with friends too! Being FDIC insured means that we are willing to protect your money with the “big guys.”
Monday, March 11, 2019
NoteCast by EX - IQ
Podcasts are wonderful sources of information. However, single episodes can go anywhere from thirty minutes to four hours. Listeners who want to highlight certain sections of audio in a podcast, just as they would highlight certain sections of text in a book, don’t have the ability to do so. That is, until now.
NoteCast uses voice and touch control to transcribe audio content into text for reference and review. Retaining what you’ve learned or investigating something that interested you in a podcast is as easy as bookmarking text!
NoteCast uses voice and touch control to transcribe audio content into text for reference and review. Retaining what you’ve learned or investigating something that interested you in a podcast is as easy as bookmarking text!
Information ought to be accessible across all mediums. NoteCast is here to make that happen. Happy listening!
Saturday, March 2, 2019
AZIMUTH: Ride the Winds by Tyto Games
Tyto Games is bringing kids back to the table.
AZIMUTH: Ride the Winds by Tyto Games streamlines gameplay and introduces an intriguing mechanism with a few simple rules thus bridging the gap between the generation who created technology and the generation using it.
Tyto Games unique top quality INGEN series designs give you the right tools for a real uninhibited quality fun time with friends or family. You’ll use your head and develop strategic thought processes that will guide you to the lighthouse and have you prevail in both play and life.
Keep it alive and fun and everyone is a winner!
AZIMUTH: Ride the Winds by Tyto Games streamlines gameplay and introduces an intriguing mechanism with a few simple rules thus bridging the gap between the generation who created technology and the generation using it.
Tyto Games unique top quality INGEN series designs give you the right tools for a real uninhibited quality fun time with friends or family. You’ll use your head and develop strategic thought processes that will guide you to the lighthouse and have you prevail in both play and life.
Keep it alive and fun and everyone is a winner!
Thursday, February 28, 2019
Twitter Book: Featherlow
Hi everyone!
Here is a word from an awesome friend of mine...
I would LOVE if you could read my Twitter book Featherlow. Yes, I'm posting a WHOLE book on twitter for free. (God help me!)
I chose Twitter because of my dyslexia, breaking up my novel made it much easier for me to follow and understand.
What is Featherlow about?
Most twelve-year-olds don't have to do battle with corrupted gods:
Eva Featherlow doesn’t fall into that category. Featherlow is a middle-grade fantasy, in which a twelve-year-old girl rescues an injured bird, Alister. Eva unknowingly is the key to unlocking the bird's hidden powers. She is destined to follow in her mother's footsteps and becomes a sage. Caught between her family and the war threatening to consume the world, she must make a choice: fight or flight.
People can read the book for free, or get full chapters monthly for a mere 2 USD on my Patreon. I have both a twitter (broken up) version and a normal book style there.
Thank you and have a great day! Happy Reading.
Here is a word from an awesome friend of mine...
I would LOVE if you could read my Twitter book Featherlow. Yes, I'm posting a WHOLE book on twitter for free. (God help me!)
I chose Twitter because of my dyslexia, breaking up my novel made it much easier for me to follow and understand.
What is Featherlow about?
Most twelve-year-olds don't have to do battle with corrupted gods:
Eva Featherlow doesn’t fall into that category. Featherlow is a middle-grade fantasy, in which a twelve-year-old girl rescues an injured bird, Alister. Eva unknowingly is the key to unlocking the bird's hidden powers. She is destined to follow in her mother's footsteps and becomes a sage. Caught between her family and the war threatening to consume the world, she must make a choice: fight or flight.
People can read the book for free, or get full chapters monthly for a mere 2 USD on my Patreon. I have both a twitter (broken up) version and a normal book style there.
Thank you and have a great day! Happy Reading.
Saturday, February 16, 2019
The Truth About my Crocs Collection
The Truth About my Crocs Collection Anyone else a fan of Croc knockoffs sold exclusively at The Christmas Tree Shoppe? 😜
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Hair loss and how to treat it
Hair loss is more common than you think, and it can affect not only your scalp but your whole body. The causes can vary but the most common can be the result of hormonal changes, medical conditions, or heredity.
Baldness is the result of excessive hair loss on your scalp, a lot of people can experience it but it is more common in men.
Nuhair Ink offers Scalp Micro Pigmentation to solve this problem, it is a method that involves the use of highly specialized equipment and uses techniques to inject pigment into the scalp.

They definitely help you end your hair loss battle since they also offer services such as full hair fillers for women as well as treating male pattern baldness, hair transplant, and scar camouflaging treatments.
Nuhair Ink is the leader in the hair loss business, schedule your appointment and start seeing incredible results.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Üforia: Being U Never Felt Better!
There are many health-focused companies out there that test your DNA and send you back a report detailing what your potential health issues could be based on your genetics. From there it’s up to you to act upon that information and adjust your diet and exercise strategies. Some companies, in addition to providing you your DNA report, will compile a regime of nutritional supplements and ship them off to you. Basically, they tell you what you need and send you a box of some third party’s supplements.
At Üforia instead of sending you somebody else’s nutritional products, Üforia has the technology and engineering to custom design your own formula, just for you. Imagine a tailor-made supplemental formula that is specifically designed for your individual genetics to help you maintain a healthy lifestyle. Please visit https://amazinghealth.uforiascience.com/ for more details.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
App to Buy Local Goods
Are you looking for an app to sell or buy local items from? Are you an employer looking for a freelance marketplace to hire remote employees from? Then buy the new Flip Sale App!
Meta Keywords: buy local goods, buy local items, sell your clothes, sell your electronics, sell your cars, sell your services, services marketplace, freelance marketplace, jobs market, job marketplace
Flip Sale App: The App You Must
Download in Your Phones Right Now
Learn the Right Ways to Buy and Sell Local Goods
Have you ever wished there was an app on your mobile phone where you could just dump all the things you don’t want in your home anymore? For example, a viable app where you could sell your outgrown clothes or old electronic items?
Having a freelance marketplace where you could easily buy and sell local items without getting up from the couch is almost too good to be true. But not when there’s an app for that too! Now that the trailblazing Flip Sale App has been launched, you can easily buy local goods or sell your stuff online.
Buying and selling your stuff the right way has never been easier before. The app is designed in such a way that you can work your way through it without any difficulty. You can sign in for FREE and start trading right away.
What makes Flip App Sale unique is that it isn’t just an app where you can buy and sell local goods. You can also sell your services because it serves as a great services marketplace for those who want to make some extra money using their skills.
What Does the Flip Sale App Offer You?
1. A Great Market Place
The app serves greatly to its users as it brings various opportunities right at the tip of your fingers. Flip Sale App gives you a broad market area to sell items to a wide audience. You can get rid of all the goods you no longer need, make space for your new stuff and make easy money!
2. Simple and Safe Purchasing
Purchasing items of your choice is extremely easy using the Flip Sale App. And apart from buying local goods, you can also hire services near your place at reasonable costs. You don’t have to worry about safety when contacting the buyers or sellers from this platform as the app is completely encrypted and allows you to do everything through a safe and secure channel.
3. A Job Market Place
Another great thing about the app is that you can even hunt for jobs with the Flip Sale App as it serves as a brilliant job marketplace. You can search for work according to your preference or even hire a freelancer!
4. Quick Income Generator
Making a fine income has never been this convenient for people, who find themselves staying at home frequently. All you have to do is download the Flip Sale App and register for free. The rest of it is as easy as squeezing a lemon. You sell what you don’t need for the stuff that you can actually use. Cars, clothes, electronics and accessories, you name it!
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Please give me an overdose of love
Every day there are more people who fell under an addiction disorder, we don't want to see our loved ones suffering during this situation and we need to understand that we can be their way out.
The safety of our friends, family, and loved ones is our number one priority, and that is why we are always looking for different ways to help them out of this situation that affects both of us.
Let them know that you can be the way out when they are hurting and in pain, you can be their release. Talk about the situation and be there for the ones you love, that is the best medicine that you can provide to them.
There's a lot of ways of letting the person in trouble know you are there for them, an example: gift them a song. Please give me an overdose of love is a song that inspires to rehabilitate or even avoid falling in this trap.
If you know someone who is dealing with this problem make them aware that you can be their support and that they are not going into this path alone. All problems have a solution, and in the case in drug addiction, it can be as easy as being there for someone in their darkest times.
The safety of our friends, family, and loved ones is our number one priority, and that is why we are always looking for different ways to help them out of this situation that affects both of us.
Let them know that you can be the way out when they are hurting and in pain, you can be their release. Talk about the situation and be there for the ones you love, that is the best medicine that you can provide to them.
There's a lot of ways of letting the person in trouble know you are there for them, an example: gift them a song. Please give me an overdose of love is a song that inspires to rehabilitate or even avoid falling in this trap.
If you know someone who is dealing with this problem make them aware that you can be their support and that they are not going into this path alone. All problems have a solution, and in the case in drug addiction, it can be as easy as being there for someone in their darkest times.
Friday, February 1, 2019
The 25 Stages of Entrepreneurship
The 25 Stages of Entrepreneurship Story of my life...and basically every entrepreneur
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Savvy & Well: Spice Company
Savvy & Well is a spice company with a salt-free, gluten-free, preservative-free vegan seasoning line. Our mission is to help you reach your health goals!
We sell our seasoning sets on Amazon and include a free eCookbook Savvy & Well Living in all the orders with over 70 gluten-free dietitian-approved recipes and inspiration inside so you can make delicious food with little effort. It even has 9 spice girl personality coloring book pages so you can cook while your little ones color.
We are also a social venture, this means that for every purchase we donate a percentage of profits to foundations that help communities reach their health goals. In the US we have partnered with Shalom Farms in Richmond, Virginia and in Mexico the Punta de Mita Foundation. We thank you for your support because the more we grow, the more we can help!
Check out our store. We would love to serve you!
We sell our seasoning sets on Amazon and include a free eCookbook Savvy & Well Living in all the orders with over 70 gluten-free dietitian-approved recipes and inspiration inside so you can make delicious food with little effort. It even has 9 spice girl personality coloring book pages so you can cook while your little ones color.
We are also a social venture, this means that for every purchase we donate a percentage of profits to foundations that help communities reach their health goals. In the US we have partnered with Shalom Farms in Richmond, Virginia and in Mexico the Punta de Mita Foundation. We thank you for your support because the more we grow, the more we can help!
Check out our store. We would love to serve you!
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Tim Shannon: Treat Acne Naturally with Topical Skin Care and Good Nutrition
If you are suffering from acne, you will find this book to be very helpful in helping you eliminate acne on your face and skin. You will discover a 7-step method for getting your skin clean and healthy, learn about 8 vitamins and supplements you can take to combat acne outbreaks, and you will find 40 recipes for natural skin care products you can make at home.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Radical Moderate
Who are you and why? What moves you to interact with your world?
It's easy to pick a side whether conservative or liberal -- they both have their strengths and weaknesses. But the good of the one is not the good of the many. We must find the balance, and that takes effort. It takes consciousness and humility. It takes skepticism and true loyalty to your moral compass.
We aspire to find harmony somewhere in the middle. We live life with a passion born of balance and an open mind. We are Radical Moderate.
It's easy to pick a side whether conservative or liberal -- they both have their strengths and weaknesses. But the good of the one is not the good of the many. We must find the balance, and that takes effort. It takes consciousness and humility. It takes skepticism and true loyalty to your moral compass.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Fragrance Life
www.Fragrance.life - Free shipping is offered worldwide on high-quality niche and top-selling perfumes.
Montale, Acqua di Parma, Tom Ford, Gucci, Hugo Boss, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana and many more are available in stock.
We accept all the major payment methods, including PayPal, credit cards, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
You can get 5% discount on all inventory with code FEEFEE upon checkout. Further, there is up to 10% discount if paying with crypto!
All orders are shipped immediately as soon as the payment is confirmed.
RSVP, to receive updates and examples in English and Spanish.
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#LaGentePrimeroQueLaDeuda #ElPoderEsDelPueblo #muniland #auditoríaYA
Follow the link - https://web.facebook.com/events/386867498788386/
Friday, January 11, 2019
Mutiny Shop: Custom Patches in America
Vinyl – custom patches are the new thing right now. Instead of the normal 3D or embroidery patches, vinyl patches are more affordable, long-lasting and look more modern. Whether you are looking for patches to gift someone or looking to ‘patch’ your tee-shirts, a custom patch is what you need.
At MutinyShop, we are all about custom patches. We design unique patches from vinyl. Our ordering system has been made seamless; all you need to do is upload a photo of your desired patch and we will have them ready in 3-5 days.
Besides the quick turnaround, for a minimal fee of $6.5, you get a custom vinyl patch unlimited in color, shape, and design. All our products are made in the USA hence quality is guaranteed. Visit our website to check out our cool custom designs and place your order.
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Brad Green on the GenZ Podcast
Listen to this exciting GenZ Podcast interview with restauranteur, Brad Green. Learn more about Brad Green at MrBradGreen.com . Filed und...
Who are you and why? What moves you to interact with your world? It's easy to pick a side whether conservative or liberal -- they both...
Hair loss is more common than you think, and it can affect not only your scalp but your whole body. The causes can vary but the most common...
For content creators looking for an alternative video delivery platform, UGETUBE is your best option. An equivalent to YouTube in terms of...